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Some people are exposed to a problem when opening the original WhatsApp application, especially when registering the user’s phone number in order to run the application, and then the user appears a message that he must use the official WhatsApp application to log in. This message prevents the user from opening or activating the original WhatsApp application, which causes... The problem is a lot of anxiety and stress for many users, but in reality it is a problem that is easy to solve through XenPlus. 

Follow the article to learn about the solution The problem of not opening the application and the message appearing is something that some people think is a complex problem, but through the following paragraphs we learn together about solving a problem that requires the official WhatsApp application to use this account through some easy steps that the user can complete with ease.

Solution to the problem: You must use the official WhatsApp application to log in

To solve this problem, the user follows a set of steps, which are:

First, open the Google Play Store and deactivate application scanning through “play” for protection. Then the message “Do you want to stop the application” appears? Click “Stop”. Then click on “Deactivate improved detection of malicious applications.” Through your email, send a message to the WhatsApp Support email. In the subject line, write “Why do I need the official WhatsApp application to use my account?”, then click Send, then wait a short while until the user responds. Upon response, you will receive the message “In order for us to be able to process your request to solve a problem that requires the official WhatsApp application, write the phone number you are inquiring about.” Then, record the phone number with the comprehensive international code, the “+” sign, the country code, the area code, and the phone number. Then re-send the message to the same previous WhatsApp email, and in the subject field write, “I did not use an unofficial version of the WhatsApp application, and I downloaded the original WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business from the Google Play Store, and when I log in and write the phone number, registration does not occur.” Or open my account.” When a notification appears using the official WhatsApp application, I immediately start solving the problem by writing “+” and then the phone number in the same way as before, namely the country code and the area code, then clicking “Send.” You will then receive a message explaining that the problem has been solved. You must use the official WhatsApp application to log in to this account. From there, you can enter the phone number and then the activation code to open the application normally without any problems.

 applications on mobileHow dangerous is downloading unofficial

Downloading unofficial applications poses a great risk to the mobile phone, and that risk is represented in the following points:

Downloading unofficial applications puts your privacy and personal information at risk, and they may be harmful applications on the mobile phone that cause its destruction. Your data and files, as well as the files you share with people, can be exposed to theft, leakage, and embezzlement. Downloading unofficial apps exposes you to a lot of annoying ads and commercial breaks, as well as scams and unsafe methods such as blackmail. The matter could expose you to a temporary or permanent ban on applications such as WhatsApp. Downloading unofficial applications also causes the loss of the account and a lot of information such as conversations, contacts, etc., and you cannot recover this information and files after losing them.

How to make sure you are using the official WhatsApp application

To make sure you are using the official WhatsApp application, you can check the following points:

Verify the source of the application, so be sure to download the application from trusted stores. You should check the app icon which has the green and white WhatsApp app icon. Stay away from any WhatsApp application that carries a symbol or design that is not familiar to the WhatsApp application. It is known that it bears the name WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business. Any of the other application names is considered an unofficial application.

Here we have reached the end of the article today, after we learned about the solution to the problem that you must use the official WhatsApp application to log in. We also explained to you the danger of downloading unofficial applications on the mobile phone and how to ensure that you are using the official WhatsApp application.

  • David
    David June 16, 2024

    No puedo creer que la solución fuera tan fácil yo me quede sin WhatsApp 15 días por este problema

    Tuve que migrar a iOS porque WhatsApp continuaba dándome este problema

    Incluso con dispositivo temporal funcionaba un tiempo y luego de la nada me cerraba la sesión

    Me parece fatal por parte de WhatsApp que no puedan solucionar ese error

    Mientras tanto yo perdí acceso a la administración de mis grupos de Wordpress por esa tontería

    Muchas gracias xenplus

    Voy a intentar y paso a dejar un update!

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